Friday, November 7, 2008

Emily has 20 teeth!

Emily watching cartoons on the TV up above.

Well, I thought it was time for Emily to take a trip to the dentist (maybe it is because I have a few cavities that are needing to be filled so dentist was on my mind!). I didn't tell her ahead of time because she get SO worked up. She has been reading the book the Berenstein Bears Go To The Dentist. That is not a good preparatory book since it shows sister bear terrified and they talk about YANKERS. Anyways, luckily we went on Halloween because all of the dental assistances were dressed up like princesses, so she thought it was SO cool. The pediatric dentist we visited was so great, very kid friendly and of course were very complimentary of her beautiful teeth. I was so proud of how brave she was and what a big girl she is.

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