Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Season is Here!

All done decorating the tree YEAH!!

As I am sitting at my in-laws house I am getting some much needed quiet time and I have quickly realized that updating my blog has been on my to-do list for a month now. How quickly time flies and life is just passing me by without a moments rest. I guess I will start with Chrismas and see if I can add the things prior!!!!
Christmas time this year has been just amazing, everything I hoped it would be with small children (minus all the chaos that comes with 3 little ones!). This was our first Christmas in our house and it has been everything I dreamed that it would be. Spending 7 Christmas seasons in a small apartment was very limiting, I just never knew how much. We kicked off the season by getting our Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving. We got real size Christmas tree, no more Charlie Brown Christmas trees for us. It was so fun getting to put ALL of our ornaments as have instead of just a few. We got the tree after church and set it up with the lights while the kids napped so that when they woke up all we had to do was decorate. We put on some Christmas music, put the kids' Santa hats on and just sat back and watched as the kids danced endlessly in the Christmas lights. As we decorated the tree, Jacob of course was more excited to dance and less escited to put his ornaments on the tree (I think that is a typical boy). Emily however was SO excited. She wanted to know where each ornament came from (so me being a talker and loving talking about the past, I shared with Emily the story behind each ornament). Each morning following she would run downstairs while Jacob waited at the landing and would turn on the tree lights. Jacob would say "AAWW" with excitement and Emily would look at him so proudly to have gotten the response she was looking for.

As far as decorating the outside of the house, I was very eager as this would be our first year. Luckily our neighbors are very eager as well so we were all out there together decorating for the holidays. In this moment as I walked the cul-de-sac and watched my hubby on the roof with a neighbor I realized that we truly do live in the best neighborhood and that God has gi
ven us far more than we ever could have imagined in our house. It sounds so cheesy, however this holiday season with the indoor and outdoor decorations, trimming the tree and all that encompasses the Christmas time of year, I truly am so grateful for all of God's blessings however especially for the gift of our house, which truly is our HOME!

For our Christmas holiday we drove up to Northern California for 10 days. We spent one day with my best friend Allie and her 3 kids, one day with my Grandpa, 4 days with My Parents and sister and 3 days with Rex's parents and brother and sisters and neice and nephew. It was alot of traveling but well worth it. I was so excited to have a chance to get to go see all of the people who are so very important in my life and that I want to have a vital role in the lives of my children. I was unsure of how the kids would do in the car that long but they all surprised with great attitudes (we are very grateful for a car DVD for those times when everyone is just about at their end).  Jacob who is known as our more restless sleeper did GREAT everywhere we went. Of course being the early riser that he is kept up with his trend but atleast he slept through the night. One of my more memeorable moments was Jacob getting up with my dad each morning at 5:0o and my dad would share his breakfast with Jacob and let Jakie pal around with him while he got ready for work: Brushing teeth together, feeding the dog etc all to allow Rex and I an extra hour of sleep...THANK YOU DADDY! At my Grandpa's house the kids were spoiled with so much attention, toys and fun activities including a truck bed full of snow! Jacob quickly learned the reward of asking each adult for milk in order to receive more milk in one day than most kids have in a week! Taylor was her typical content self allowing everyone to enjoying holding her so peacefully. With my girlfriend Allie I was just so content enjoying sitting on the couch visiting while all 6 kids played so well together...I live for those moments! When we arrived to my parents house we drove there in the dark and when we arrived their beautiful newly built home was all lit up and you could see it from the main road. It was just beautiful! With wreaths lit up all along the porch and a Christmas tree in each of the big windows facing the front it just looked amazing! Of course it was late at night and all 3 kids were awake but we needed to get the complete tour. I felt such a sense of pride as I walked through the house and saw all of the detail and design that my dad created for his very own 5300 sq ft house.  Yeah for him. IT was such a blessing to see his gifts and talents and to get to see him live out his dream. To top it all off, Rex and I had our very own room (our first in 7 years of marriage at my parents') and nobody had to be kicked out of their room or office for us or the kids YEAH!!!! Emily LOVED baking cookies with Grandma and decorating them with Auntie Laura. Emily even offered Grandma an icing covered cookie that she didn't want herself (trust me just looking at this cookie gave you a tummy ache). To end the trip we were at Rex's family's house for Christmas weekend. I couldn't believe the kids' excitement to be going to yet another house. While there Emily and Jacob got ot play with their cousins Eli and Bryn. It was so special watching them play with each other and wow, it made our jobs a lot easier! Our weekend was complete with Christmas carols, a Happy Birthday Jesus cake (although Emily was quite confused as to why we were singing to Jesus if he wasn't there), tons of games each night and just some great time with our family. It was a long trip, our kids were so resiliant and we drove home feeling so extremely rich with the amount of love, support and many, many blessings we have received this Christmas Season.

Taylor sneaking in a nap!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Playgroup is the best!

The kids and I have been so extremely blessed by our weekly playgroup. My friend Dana so graciously extended an invitation to us a year ago last Halloween and my life has never been the same! We usually take turns hosting all of the kids or we do an activity to get out of the house. This month when I hosted the kids we did a sticker activity where they each created a manger scene and the kids participated in a book exchange. It was a great way to kick off the Christmas season. A few weeks later the kids decorated Christmas cookies at Dana's house (she is VERY brave!). I have enjoyed sharing this holiday with my closest friends and their kiddos!
Emily decorating her cookies...yummy!

The book exchange

Elijah (6 months old) and Taylor (4 months old)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year for Thanksgiving we made an important decision that we were not going to be traveling up north for this holiday. This is the first time in our 7 years of marriage that we decided it was better for our family to stay here. Each year we drive up on Wednesday with half of southern California and then back again Sunday with those same half! To turn around and do that drive 3 weeks later for Christmas is always rough and this year with three kiddos we decided to stay here. It was Rex's parents year for Thanksgiving so we invited them down and to our excitement they CAME! Jim, Sandi, Heidi and Troy... it was so GREAT! It was my first year ever having to provide an entire Thanksgiving meal and I was TERRIFIED! People look forward to the Thanksgiving meal all year long and I was scared I was going to dissapoint. Luckily everything turned out great (I wouldn't know about the stuffing, or sweet potatoes since I don't eat those two things :)). For the weekend Emily, Jacob and Taylor got to enjoy spending time with their Grandparents, and Auntie and Uncle (Taylor got to meet Troy and Heidi for the first time). It was just so great getting to stay home for the weekend that I think we have agreed, this is going to be our new Thanksgiving tradition!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

And She FINALLY Has Painted Toenails

Everytime I get a pedicure, Emily is fascinated with my toes. It used to be that she just liked to touch them. she has gotten older and VERY vocal her interest has turned to begging for hers to be painted. Of course my response always was "no, not today, you're still too little". Then one day it dawned on me, why can't she have painted nails. I think I imagined her with these wet nails jumping on the couch and nail polish getting everywhere, or my mind would jump to her all of a sudden being a 13 year old girl. Well, last Saturday when both her and I were recovering from a bout of the flu, she asked me once again for painted toes. I know she was waiting for the normal response of "no" but this time I gave a "sure". The look on her face and twinkle in her eyes were priceless. She sat so still as I painted her toes and giggled as I stroke each toe. As I looked at her toes more closely I realized she has my same feet, a high arch, narrow feet, and HUGE toenails! She could not wait to run downstairs and show her daddy. I know I opened a whole new can of worms, but it was so fun sharing this big girl moment with my little girl. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

Jacob loves apples!!!

Jacob is not the best eater in the world, as I have been known to say he has ruined my dining experience on many occasions with throwing his food, spitting it out and many, many tantrums at meal time. The one thing that he loves it fruit. All fruit. One day I was letting him eat an apple in the stroller to occupy him while we were out and this is what I found when he was done. Nothing but a stem and a tiny core with one seed yet. YUCK! I guess next time I should cut the apple up for him??

Happy Halloween

I love Halloween and all of the fun around getting the kids dressed up and all of the strangers commenting on how adorable each of the kids are. For some reason it is so affirming! This year Emily's friend Drew joined us for pizza and trick or treating. Of course the kids were way to excited to eat. At 6:00 (after Rex was getting really frustrated with my for ruining the moment with all of my picture taking) we started on our way. We went for about an hour around the neighborhood. The kids had a blast. Jacob was so cute carrying his spider bag around like a purse and he was SO excited when the people would put things in his bag. He had no idea it was candy. NOW he knows it is candy and the spider bag has had to go away! After we were done we sat in our driveway in our lounge chairs and let Emily and Drew eat their dinner and of course candy while we handed out treats. I think that quickly became Emily's favorite part, handing out the candy and seeing all of the other people in their costumes and giving them candy. Two memorable moments from the might. 1) When a mom and dad holding a baby would come up and say trick or treat with all 3 of them having bags! (that happened on more than one occasion). and 2) when Emily was going potty and needed to take off her costume she says, " I like my doggy costume. I am cute, I am nice and cozy, and I am just pretty".  I think I must have over done the compliments for the night! Thanks to our amazing neighbor Amy for making 3 great costumes for the kids. Emily's was custom made with no zipper and no hood over her head, just a headband with ears. They were just so cute!

Our litter of 3 of the cutest doggies!
"Who let the dogs out?"
Taylor 3 months old

Jacob showing his candy!

Emily has 20 teeth!

Emily watching cartoons on the TV up above.

Well, I thought it was time for Emily to take a trip to the dentist (maybe it is because I have a few cavities that are needing to be filled so dentist was on my mind!). I didn't tell her ahead of time because she get SO worked up. She has been reading the book the Berenstein Bears Go To The Dentist. That is not a good preparatory book since it shows sister bear terrified and they talk about YANKERS. Anyways, luckily we went on Halloween because all of the dental assistances were dressed up like princesses, so she thought it was SO cool. The pediatric dentist we visited was so great, very kid friendly and of course were very complimentary of her beautiful teeth. I was so proud of how brave she was and what a big girl she is.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Hot Fall Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Jacob LOVED climbing on the pumpkins!

I have learned to love the Fall season and Halloween now that I have kids. It is so fun. The only damper is living in southern California where it is 85 degrees in October. Chili just doesn't taste the same when you are in a tank top!! After our mishap at Bates Nut Farm a week prior when Emily was stung by the bee we chose not to return, so we happened upon a little pumpkin patch closer to home (thank you Dana for the info). The kids were allowed to pick out a pumpkin of their choice and of course (just like last year) Emily wanted to take home all of the sad looking pumpkins. The ones that were already getting soft, misshapen and lots of dents. After I butted in way to much I finally decided I was going to let her get whichever one she wanted. And of course, she wanted the tiny one she can put by her bed (with every other stuffed animal and blanket that we own). Whatever, it was only 99 cents! Jacob on the other hand was only allowed to get the little one because we couldn't get him to stop throwing the pumpkins as he said "ball". It was a VERY hot day but we let the kids jump in the jumper and go down the slide while all of the rude women commented on how Taylor was going to get sunburnt.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oak Glen Apple Farm with Playgroup Families

Taylor 12 weeks old, and first time facing forward in the bjorn

Finding the Perfect Apple with Daddy

Emily and the boys (Malachi,Jacob,Lucas and Drew)

Well, we did our first official family outing with other San Diego families since living here a year and 3 months. I have been a part of a great play group for a year now but we have never done something all together as families. We decided to do a very festive Fall activity by going apple picking. I know...many have commented on their anticipation of us slowing down our lives, and to me, we have, Doing this activity with Rex too rather than just me and kids is quite a step up. After the hour and half drive north east (I thought Rex was going to kill me when he found out how far we were REALLY having to drive) I was so excited to arrive at the Oak Glen Family Farm. We started out the day with a picnic lunch with the Jarrett's (Dan, Dana, Malachi (3) Elijah (5 mo), the Davis' (Michele and Drew (4)) and the Todd's (Mike, Jami, Lucas (3)). Some brought lunch and others got a tri -tip sandwich. Although the wait for the sandwich was extremely long, it was worth the wait... it was delicious! Then we went to start the festivities. We went on a 20 minute hay ride where we learned all about the apples they grow there, we went to petting zoo where I was afraid a goat was going to eat Jacob's hand and a chicken was going to peck Emily's leg and then sometime simply crawling on the hay, playing on a wagon and getting VERY DIRTY! And then finally came the apple picking. Due to the large amount of little stickers that were everywhere in the dirt, I opted to let Rex take just Emily because I could already see it... Jacob stumbling onto the ground and falling right into the stickers. Emily was so proud of her bag of apples! We ended the day with a trip to the gift shop where of course we ended up with pumpkin bread mix, apple pie and fresh apple cider. At the end of the day we were all so tired AND DIRTY! It was so fun to spend a day with other families, doing activities that the kids really enjoyed. Although it was a lot of work and our kids are so little to really enjoy all Oak Glen has to offer, I think it was definetly an activity I would like to do again!

The Davis'
                                  The Jarrett's

Friday, October 17, 2008

It was a sad day!

I am a part of an amazing playgroup that gets together on Wednesday mornings. For the most part our activities consist of lunch for the adults (always a delicious treat) and of course pb& j for the kids. In this group there are pretty much always 4 of us girls ( I guess we are women) and sometimes there are more. When it is just the 4 of us, Emily is the only girl (next to Taylor now). Emily usually plays well with the boys and Jacob just follows everyone around (all of the other kids are 3-4) and tries to be apart of the group. Anyways, for something different we decided to have our playgroup this week at the pumpkin farm. It sounded so fun: pumpkins, pony rides, petting zoo, hayrides, and a picnic lunch. Once arriving to the pumpkin farm I had to feed Taylor, change her diaper, change Jacob's diaper and get everyone set up (Taylor in the wrap and Jacob in the wagon). After 20 minutes of getting everyone settled for the pimpkin farm we make our grand entrance. Right away the kids wanted to go on the pony ride. I didn't have Jacob ride because I didn't want to have stand next to him on the pony (I know, I am mean mom). As the ponies are going (and stopping every minute for the workers to pick up another ponies' droppings) I see a bee hovering around Emily. In my head I am wishing the bee would go away and leave her alone. And then I see th ebee land. Right above her lip. I find myself saying out loud, "that bee is going to sting her" and before I could tell Emily not to touch, she tried moving the bee off of her lip. Instantly the bee flies away, I see blood on her face and the tears start coming. I was SO MAD AT THAT BEE! I was so upset because I couldn't even get to her. I had Jacob running around climbing on the hay and Taylor in the wrap. My friend Jami took her off the pony (yes they had to stop the pony ride) and handed her to me. I really couldn't hold her the way she wanted me to because I had Taylor in the wrap up against me. Emily's lip was swelling by the minute. The tears stopped, we went into the petting zoo (Jacob was VERY excited) and the tears started coming again. They just came and came and couldn't stop. In that moment I felt very sad. Emily was in terrible pain but I couldn't take the pain away. I couldn't even hold her because I had Taylor. Taylor was now crying because Emily was squishing up against her (not to mention with all of the commotion Taylor fell out of the wrap and I caught her before falling to the ground).  And then there was Jacob that was lost in the shuffle walking around wanting to pet the animals and yet he couldn't because I couldn't be there with him. All of this happened in the first 10 minutes we were there. In that instance I looked at my friends and announced I was going home. With tears in my eyes I packed up the kids, all three were crying at this time and headed to the car. While at the car I took a moment to comfort each of my children individually before buckling them in. It was very sad. It was one of the first times since having the three kids that I realized that I couldn't meet the needs of all of my children when they were needing me. Lesson learned: don't try and be super mom. It is OK to say "no" to things for the simple reason that it will be too hard. For now, I will be staying in confined areas when by myself with the kids, or even with playgroup. I will save the big outings for when Rex is home with us. Here is a picture before the big bee sting event!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Our Family Pics

We spent some much needed time this weekend with our dear friends Ryan and Kim and their two kiddos Dylan and Hillary. As we were attempting to all eat dinner together, chasing kids aorund the house with chocolate cookies in their hands and playing referee as the kids fought over every toy imaginable, our conversations quickly went to the good ol' days of college life where our responsibilities were so minimal and we had endless energy young we all really did look even only a few years ago when we each only had one child! Wow! Children really do change your life. Of course, for the better and how enriched our lives are now that we have children. However, I sure am glad I had those college years and year married years to look back on....if only I didn't take life so seriously! Here are some precious pictures of our family...thanks Ryan for being so willing to take some pics for us! You are so awesome!

The Wild Animal Park...Just where our family belongs!

Although these days staying at home is A LOT easier than going out, I agreed to make my husband happy and get out and do a family outing to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. It really was a perfect fall day, crisp and cool enough that all of the animals were out, but not too cool for us to enjoy. Emily and Jacob loved seeing all of the animals. Jacob's favorite part was riding the carousel, Emily's favorite part was the tram ride, Taylor was content to sleep next to mommy in her wrap, and Rex and I were completely entertained by the gorillas! They really are very interesting animals!

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Life of The Middle Child

Well, all of my anxieties of Jacob being a middle child and what typically happens to a middle child becoming of my sweet little boy are actually unfolding before my very eyes!!! Here are some pictures to show for it.  This is what happens when you leave a little boy at the table too long by himself, and I guess he got lost in the shuffle and really needed a nap but mommy didn't notice. I am so bad! In actually, his napping on the floor was a result of Jacob having the stomach flu and really not being able to do much of anything other than throw up, cuddle mommy and sleep anywhere he could. It was quite sad. I am proud to report that at Jacob's 18 months check up he was in the 5th percentile for weight and 25th for height....still a little peanut. The real question is...How long until his little sister Taylor who is in the 67th percentile for weight and 72nd for height catches up to him?

Friday, September 26, 2008

A New Journey Begins

Well... a year ago, when we first moved to San Diego ( and I wasn't pregnant with Taylor, or planning on being pregnant for that matter) I applied for a "virtual teacher" position where I would be assisting families that were participating in home school through an online school and I would be the credentialed teacher that would oversee their work and attendance as well as be available by phone and email as questions arise. After a year of not hearing anything they finally called, interviewed me and offered me a position. The timing couldn't have been any crazier with Taylor only being 7 weeks old and us still adjusting to our new life as a very busy family of 5! However, as Rex and I talked about it we decided to give it a shot. The nice part about this job is that I get to do 90% of my work from home. I also get to keep maintaining my credential and contributing into CalSTRS (a retirement program). In addition, we have a little extra money where I can get a babysitter once a week in the afternoons where I actually get away for a few hours. It is so glorious. I am not going to lie, it has been weird telling people I have a job, and all of the thoughts and ideas that surround a working mom, however I do feel like this opportunity has made me more aware of spending intentional time with my kids rather than just letting them "be" throughout the day. The first few weeks really did kick my butt as I had to be away from the house for training for a few days (luckily I could take Taylor with me) and I had to meet all of my families face to face in a short time window. However now that those things are done, I am just maintaining a regular schedule and it is much more manageable! We're hoping it all works out!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Taylor is 6 weeks Old!

I can't believe Taylor is already 6 weeks old, however at the same time, I can't believe she is only 6 weeks old! We have made it this far! Rex and I kept telling ourselves that this next year was going to be a real challenge (and we have already survived 6 weeks and have 46 more to go!). She is doing so well, sleeping, eating and smiling like all little newborns "should". I say "should" because we have experienced with Jacob that not all newborns do :) We are so excited because so far her spitting up has been minimal and we are crossing our fingers that she won't have acid reflux like both Emily and Jacob did. It is so nice not always wearing a burp cloth on my shoulder and not being fearful of her spitting up on someone as they hold her. I can't wait for her appt next week to see how much this chubby little girl has grown!