We spent some much needed time this weekend with our dear friends Ryan and Kim and their two kiddos Dylan and Hillary. As we were attempting to all eat dinner together, chasing kids aorund the house with chocolate cookies in their hands and playing referee as the kids fought over every toy imaginable, our conversations quickly went to the good ol' days of college life where our responsibilities were so minimal and we had endless energy and....how young we all really did look even only a few years ago when we each only had one child! Wow! Children really do change your life. Of course, for the better and how enriched our lives are now that we have children. However, I sure am glad I had those college years and year married years to look back on....if only I didn't take life so seriously! Here are some precious pictures of our family...thanks Ryan for being so willing to take some pics for us! You are so awesome!
B is 14!
4 years ago
so cute!!
Cute, cute, cute!
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